Rue André Lwoff - 56000 VANNES
+33 (0)2 97 01 71 58

RP – MP Project

RP – MP Project

Participatory Research for the mapping and characterization of Microplastics on Brittany beaches. 

As part of the "Research and Society" Call for Projects

Project managers : :

Project leaders :  LGO UMR CNRS 6538 – UBS

Funding : Brittany region

Length of the project : September 2023 - Today


The RP - MP project is part of a context where plastic pollution affects almost all marine and coastal environments. While some of its origins are known, the cycle of microplastic pollution at the land-sea interface is not well understood. Monitoring and mapping work are essential to understand the origins and sources of these microplastics. In-depth knowledge on the subject, along with public participation, will contribute to raising awareness and enriching communication about it.


  • Dynamic mapping of microplastic concentrations in the sediments of various pilot sites in Brittany
  • Communication and awareness-raising among the population about the origins and sources of microplastics at the land-sea interface
  • Promoting participatory research and collaboration between the scientific community and civil society

Protocole participatif : 


    Partners of the RP - MP project

