Rue André Lwoff - 56000 VANNES
+33 (0)2 97 01 71 58

Projet VIMOG 1&2

Projet VIMOG 1&2


Video Monitoring for Guianese beach Morphodynamics and Management

Project managers :  Mouncef Sedrati (LGO-UBS)

Project leaders : LGO UMR CNRS 6538 – UBS


Length of the project :


The management of these sensitive and vulnerable coastal areas in French Guiana requires an in-depth understanding of the high-frequency dynamics of beaches in interaction with coastal development and coastal risks. The sandy beaches in French Guyana, which are constantly changing, represent an important regional asset in terms of tourism and the economy, but also in terms of ecology, particularly as nesting sites for emblematic species of marine turtles. The VIMOG “VIdeo MOnitoring for Guianese beach morphodynamics and management” a permis de mettre en place the first high-frequency video monitoring system haute fréquence of intertidal beach morphodynamics in Kourou (KVS : Kourou Video Station)in partnership with the LEEISA USR 3456 and the DEAL - French Guiana.

KVS : Kourou Video Station

Main actions

The project VIMOG-1 proposed the experimentation of a high-frequency video monitoring device of the Guyanese coastline carried out through three main actions :

  • Choice of the site and implementation of the video monitoring system.
  • Securing the implementation and power supply of the system.
  • First data processing tests.

The project VIMOG-2 has main objective such as :

  • Automation of video image analysis through the creation of an "automatic treatment box" capable of generating finalized scientific products (maximum run-up line position, topographic profiles, topographic DTMs (Digital Terrain Models), orthorectified imagery).
  • The evaluation of the coastal developments (geotextile structures) on the Kourou site the dissemination of the results to the DEAL and the local authority (also for the results of the KVS) in order to elaborate recommendations and recommendations for a sustainable management of the beach.


Detection of the coastline (blue line) and the Max and Min runup on Kourou beach

Project partners of VIMOG

