Sedimentology of seabeds,

littorals, and coastlines

The sedimentology of the seafloor is studied during oceanographic expeditions and coring activities to understand their formation, analyze sediments, reconstruct paleoclimates, identify natural resources, and assess threats to coastal areas.
Oceanographic and coring expeditions play a crucial role in characterizing coastal seabeds and analyzing the processes responsible for their formation. By collecting sediment samples and conducting geophysical measurements, these studies enable the reconstruction of sedimentary architecture and understanding the geological and environmental dynamics that have shaped these regions. These studies also complement work in paleontology and paleoclimatology.
Furthermore, data from these oceanographic and coring studies are of great importance in the field of mining exploration and feasibility studies. Seabeds harbor potential natural resources. These research efforts thus contribute to a better understanding of the marine environment and to more sustainable management of oceanic resources.
Associated publications
1. Ramkumar, M., Fathima, A., Nagarajan, R., Santosh, M., & Menier, D. (2022). Major, trace and rare earth elemental geochemistry of Santonian–Campanian onland-offshore transition in a Gilbert-type deltaic setting, Cauvery Basin, southern India. (Geological Journal, 1– 23) Read the paper
2. Ong M., Pan H., Shazili N., Menier D., Dupont V., Révillon S., Coynel A., (2021). Heavy Metals Concentration in Sediments of South Brittany Waters, France: An Ecological Risk Assessment Approach. Open Journal of Marine Science. 11, 55-68. DOI : 10.4236/ojms.2021.111004. Read the paper
3. Siano R., Lassudrie M., Cuzin P., Briant B., Loizeau V., Schmidt S., Ehrhold A., Mertens K. N., Lambert C., Quintric L., Latimier M., Quéré J., Durand P., Penaud A., (2021). Sediment archives reveal irreversible shifts in plankton communities after World War II and agricultural pollution. Current Biology. DOI : 10.1016/j.cub.2021.03.079 Read the paper
4. Menier D., Mathew M. J., Cherfils J-B., Ramkumar M., Estournès G., Koch M., Guillocheau F., Sedrati M., Goubert E., Gensac E., Le Gall R., Novico F., (2019). Holocene sediment mobilization in the inner continental shelf of the Bay of Biscay: Implications for regional sediment budget offshore to onshore. (Journal of Coastal Research). 88, 110-121. DOI : 10.2112/SI88-009.1 Read the paper
5. Zorrilla N. A., Vantrepotte V., Gensac, Huybrechts N., Gardel A., (2018). The Advantages of Landsat 8-OLI-Derived Suspended Particulate Matter Maps for Monitoring the Subtidal Extension of Amazonian Coastal Mud Banks (French Guiana). (Remote Sensing). 10 (11), 17p. DOI : 10.3390/rs10111733 Read the paper